I’ve just been getting my daily dose of Celebrity Baby Blog and spotted that Gwen Stefani has one of the black and white Aden & Anais muslin swaddling blankets on her shoulder whilst carrying 10 week old Zuma.
A celebrity favourite, I’ve seen them on Naomi Watts, Babyface, and Isla Fisher’s babies, but to name a few. The quality of the muslin cloth which has a “soft, light weave” promotes an even air flow that helps to regulate your baby’s body temperature naturally.
Naturally once you’ve finished using these extra large muslin cloths as swaddling blankets, you can use them as scrumptious burping cloths, hiding your boobies whilst breastfeeding, sun covers, and all the usual things you do with muslins. We currently use our John Lewis ones as handy extra large bibs, nose wipers, and all sorts!
Gwen Stefani was photographed in the black and white set.
They come in packs of 4 and cost £30 at Big Mama Slings. These also make great, super stylish gifts.
Kat has also posted about these over at Mama to Be Goodies
Source: Celebrity Baby Blog
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