I harbour a not-so-secret love of Formica. The beautiful colours and patterns in vintage Formica furniture are a thing of wonder to me. So when I heard about Les Gambettes and their stunning Formica furniture I was overcome with the wanties!
They have created a range of Formica chairs and desks in retro pastel shades and patterns. Having seen the adult versions all over the likes of Marie Claire Maison I was excited to learn that they had petite versions in their children’s range.
Made from Formica and metal the chairs are ergonomically shaped. They have a range of eight colours and patterns. Even more exciting is the discovery of children’s desks which are an exquisitely styled version of the ones found in school. They are most definitely objects of beauty and on my wishlist for the perfect home.
You can find a selection of the chairs at Eenymeeny for £78 each. Smallable have both grown up and children’s chairs from €81 and desks at €174 each.
Couverture are also listed as a UK stockist but there is nothing on their website.
Via Room to Bloom.
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