Swiss Cottage based lifestyle store Huggle has more opportunities to lure me into temptation ever since it went online a few months back. Stuffed full of highly attractive delights to see you through the early years of parenting, they’ve got a couple of quirky night lights catching my eye. First up is Beaba’s (yes they of the blender and steamer) Pixie rechargeable night light which features an ergonomic handle for when it converts into a lantern that your child can use to find their way with in the dark, £33.
I’m then seriously lusting after New York designer J Schatz’s hand made glossy stoneware egg night lights where the light projects through the tiny pricks. Naturally I’m loving orange but Huggle also has it in dark tidepool (very deep blue) and a less enticing sugary pink. I had peek at the designers site where there are even more colours including ‘goldenrod yellow’ and ‘moss green’. They’re £110 each, so they’re at the designer end of night lights and a strong selling point is that they transcend children’s spaces and wouldn’t look out of place in another room.
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