I’ve been scouring the virtual hotspots for cool stocking filler buys and will be highlighting finds over the next week or so with everything under a fiver or tenner. Here are the first ten starting from just a few months old right up to over 3 years…
Brio Rattles
We love pretty much all things Brio and have given these rattles several times as mini gifts. Lovely and bright, they’re made from wood with a little bell in the middle. From 6 months £4.90 Sparkle & Spin

Herbi Car by Habitat
Loving these colorful cars (also available in yellow/orange and lime/royal blue) made from bass wood. Nab them online if you’re shopping for other delights or pick them up in store where they have lots of stocking fillers. Age 18 months Was £4, now £3.20 each Habitat

Wooden Spinning Tops by Lanka Kade
These hand made and hand painted wooden spinning tops are made by a fair trade craft enterprise in Sri Lanka. Made from eco friendly rubberwood and available in a host of designs. Age 3+. £1.45 each Little Baby Company – Bargain!
Attach this to the handlebars of their trike or bike and watch as the propeller spins as they cycle. £5 Cox & Cox
If want to slip an educational toy into their stocking, this eco friendly wooden shoe by Thai toy maker Plan Toys will teach them how to tie their shoe lace. Age 3+ £4.88 Amazon
As well as sharpening pencils, you can wind him up and let him walk around. One that you may be tempted to nick for yourself… £5 Cox & Cox
Have you seen the other gift guides featured so far? Part one and part two of tiny world toys, the Gift Guide for Play Houses., Ride On Toys, and tea sets.
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