I featured the Mamascarf, a breastfeeding scarf that let’s you cover up in style and acts as a support for your baby whilst you’re out and about, several months ago before I’d had baby Nia. Since then, the designer Keira’s been on TV, in the papers, and has seen the Mamascarf worn by the likes of Leah Wood and Mel C. I’ve been trying it out for the past few weeks and on several occasions I’ve had people express their surprise that I was breastfeeding.
Concept: It looks like a large scarf or bandana (it can be worn as a scarf too) and has a hidden pocket for your breastpad and one size fits all.
Appearance: The fabric is in black, white, or blue tactile chambray cotton and a bit stretchy. I have been known to continue wearing mine as a fashion accessory and OK…yesterday it not only looked like a part of my outfit, but disguised leakage….
Set Up: You tie it around your neck, loop the arm through on the side where you’re feeding, adjust your clothing, slip your baby into the opening, and feed. Get the right length sorted to find your comfort level and I suggest doing this before your baby is frantic for a feed and lacking in patience! Once it’s knotted, you only have to reknot it after it’s washed or your baby’s got a bit bigger. Instructions are easy to follow.
In Use: The first time I used this was actually for an evening feed to keep her focused as with the bambino leaping around attention seeking, it was all too easy for feeds to become quite distracted. Even though she’s now almost five months, she fits into it snugly and can be almost covered up entirely. It cocooned her and she sparked out and was packed off to bed until the wee hours – thanks Keira!
Majorly discreet, even yesterday when we were at Top Drawer, the retail trade show for design led products at the Olympia, people expressed surprise that I was breastfeeding and when she had a coughing fit from being a bit overzealous and then snot started shooting out, no-one could even tell what was going on as I sorted her out!
It’s great for taking the pressure off your arms although obviously remember that it’s not actually a baby carrier so don’t go getting up and walking off!
Make sure to adjust your clothes around the Mamascarf before you put baby in – obvious I know…but you can forget when you’re in a hurry and then adjusting with the weight of your baby is a pain in the bum!
Any negatives? Well it’s not really one but more fabric options (colours please!) and prints, but Keira’s on the case with that one (I could see a wonderful pairing with Liberty in my day dreams), with new options due out in a few weeks.
Price: £15.99 from Mamascarf
Overall: I appreciate not everyone wants to cover up or breastfeed discreetly, but I do, and the Mamascarf has made feeding out and about a doddle as I actually have to pack less now as it takes some of the pressure off your arms supporting baby, it really covers up effectively, and you can breastfeed anywhere.
Verdict: 4.5/5
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