I am lusting after this gorgeous Hush Night Sack from Nurtured by Nature. It is made from fine silk Merino wool which is the wonder fabric for baby clothing. It is delicate yet wears well, helps to reduce eczema and other skin allergies, and helps your baby regulate their body temperature. It does not, however, change nappies – you can’t have it all.
I love the Hush Night Sack for newborns as it makes night nappy changing simple as you can open the bottom rather than having to undress your baby. I like that it keeps their legs together as I guess they are not used to trousers at birth. It will also last a bit longer as there is plenty of length to grow into (they always grow out of the length before anything in clothes). I am definitely putting one on my baby shower list (that is if anyone wants to throw me one!).
£25.99 from Little Me.
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