There are some stories which thread their way around the Globe and through time. Connecting generations and cultures nursery stories are the bread and butter of family story telling. I recently reached for a collection of stories a friend had given to my daughter and read what turned out to be a very graphic and blood-thirsty version of The Three Little Pigs. After inspecting the edition more closely it quickly became clear it was not suitable for a two year old!
Here are two collections of nursery stories which won’t leave your children scarred for life. My First Nursery Stories by Tony Ross and Yummy: My Favourite Nursery Stories by Lucy Cousins both have superb illustrations and a good range of the classics – Goldilocks, The Gingerbread Man, Little Red Riding Hood, The Billy Goats Gruff, Henny Penny and The Three Little Pigs. There is no escaping characters getting eaten but they don’t dwell on the gore!
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