Vertbaudet – Ooh get ready for a se-rious trawl with up to 60% off across clothing, homewares, furniture, and maternity with absolute steals like their stackable cube storage units (I featured the blue and orange cubes a while back) which are down from £29 to £14.50 in green and ‘natural’ pictured.
Orfeo Design – Love this boutique which has an eclectic collection of designers and always gives good sale with up to 60% off. Designers include Gold, Talc, April Showers, Album di famiglia, Kidscase, Imps & Elfs, and Mor mor rita.
The Hedgepig – Set aside some serious rooting time at one of BG’s absolutely most favourite online boutiques. Move fast for Plastisock, Katvig, Minymo, Urban Elk, Snoozy, Powell Craft, DUNS (very cool Swedish brand), Ida T, ej sikke lej, Molo, and more with up to 50% off.
Orla Kiely – There is some serious swoonsomeness (yeah I made up that word) going down with up to 50% off pieces in the AW09 collection across clothing, bags, accessories, and homewares. There are some statement dresses that will no doubt be classic and well loved additions to your wardrobe, if you’re splashing out.
Nordic Kids – Ooh la la! There’s up to 60% off at what is basically Nordic central, including brands like Plastisock, Katvig, Shampoodle, ej sikke lej, Acne, Mini Numph, Molo,and Sofie Schnoor. Stocks are limited with some stuff sold out already.
Mini Giants – From the same peeps behind Nordic Kids comes this hothouse of cool designer brands mixed with one offs and handmade pieces from indie designers. Get up to 60% off the likes of Soft Gallery, Alice + Olivia, and the Dream Playmat by Little Red Stuga (pictured right) which is now £66.50 down from £132.99.
Little Fashion Gallery – Get up to 50% off at this super stylish European destination for designer childrenswear. Labels include Frank, Ralph Lauren, Imps & Elfs, Quincy, Little Paul & Joe and more.
Elias & Grace – Up to 50% off at this Primrose Hill based designer children’s clothing boutique including their Pepe boots and shoes, Quincy, Petit Bateau, Kidscase, Elias & Grace own label, Nurtured by Nature, Bonton, Nui Organics, and more.
Check out the other sales I’ve tracked down – sales 29/12/09 and 30/12/09.
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