When I was at Top Drawer (a cool retail trade show) a couple of months back, the very lovely peeps at Rosie Flo sent me home with a few colouring books and posters which I’ve been saving up until now for a mini giveaway. One of my favourite stocking fillers (included in my stocking filler feature yesterday), these colouring books, and now posters, are the height of cool with their beautiful illustrations that make these the contemporary answer to colouring in.
Featuring pages and pages of lovely outfits and scenes for heads, legs, and arms to be added, the ‘boys’ versions (Johnny Joe) feature action filled scenes, and there are poster versions including a Christmas one. The paper in each one is a nice thick quality and is FSC certified and the lines of the drawings are nice and thin so they appeal to wide group of ages starting from four years old – I could easily sit and colour in these if I had time!
I’ve got five to give away – their sticky colouring book (believed to be the first colour in your stickers book), a nightime version with black pages, a Johnny Joe, and two Christmas posters and House poster. The colouring books are worth £5.99 each and the posters are £2.99 each.
To enter to win, just leave a comment on this post – please don’t put your address/tel no or anything like that! I will draw 3 winners at random – you’ll each get a colouring book and poster. If you’d like to specify which (but not guaranteed if choices between winners clash) put your chosen colouring book and poster in your comment. Comp closes Friday 11th December at 9pm. You can also email your entry to contact AT bambinogoodies.co.uk if for some reason you don’t want to use the comment box.
You need to be a member of the daily email update or if you’re not on the list, by entering you’re agreeing to be added to the notification. If you don’t want to subscribe to this list, don’t enter the comp! Prizes will be dispatched by me so no passing your info to third parties and it’s open to the UK and Ireland only. You should receive your prize within 7 days of notification. No cash alternative offered.
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