I’ve been checking out lots of pretend play cookers so look out for them over the next few weeks. The bambino isn’t old enough for one yet but that hasn’t stopped me looking.
Pretend or imaginative play toys encourage your little one’s life skills. They’re for both girls and boys and are a great way of encouraging an early interest in cooking and a positive interaction with food, inspiring your child to concoct all sorts of wonderful cooking adventures.
This wooden one is from Lula Sapphire and it comes with all of the accessories pictured which include pots, utensils, salt and pepper shakers, and food that includes vegetables and a fried egg. It features an oven and a cupboard with a couple of hobs on top plus a little shelf and hanging hooks. How cute are the slices of bread?!
It’s 80 X 50 X 33 cm and there’s some assembly required. Suitable for age 3 upwards.
£75 at Lula Sapphire (no longer in stock). There are other versions at Tickety Boo, although the one pictured doesn’t currently seem to be on sale – updated 14th April 2009.
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