Natalie writes…
One of the many things that Little Baby Company does well is nursery decoration and I love their new addition of the Lion Wallpaper Decal by Inke Hellend.
I am positive that my parents had a bedspread in a very similar pattern when I was a baby and actually, the Dutch designer uses wallpapers from 60s and 70s so you never know!
If you really fancy using a decal feature but want to stray from bold graphics that don’t have detail, this handmade vintage wallpaper decal which comes in two parts could be just the ticket. I love the whimsical flowers and leaves which create an illusion of animal print.
It’s 70 X 100 cm and comes with a brush and glue, so obviously this is not the type of decal that you can move around. There are two variations so do check which one you are getting
£42 from Little Baby Company
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