Over the past few months, the Bambino Goodies team have been busy beavering away on a few exciting projects, one of them being our very own online school where we’ll be helping independent designers and store owners to brand, grow and sell. Over the past seven years, BG has helped hundreds of stores and labels come to life and sell lots of lovely goodies for design-conscious families and after fielding many questions and helping where we could, we’re bringing all our knowledge and experience across retail, product design, publishing and branding together in one place.
Do you have a concept store idea, but have been struggling to turn your idea into reality as you battle with a mountain of tasks and questions? Are you just starting out and have that deer in the headlights feeling and are getting overwhelmed by what seems like a constant need to hustle? Well, our first course So, You Want To Open An Online Shop? will be opening for registration at the end of this month and will cover everything you need to know and do to get going. And before you ask – you don’t just have to be looking to make and/or sell kids’ stuff!
To find out more and get notified when registration opens, sign up to BG School’s newsletter.
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