Jennie Maizels is a local artist who has illustrated a whole host of children’s books with Kate Petty, written the very useful Finger Food for Babies and Toddlers Cookbook and who has now designed these revolutionary Clothes Plasters.
Clothes Plasters are Jennie’s distinctive drawings beautifully reproduced as embroidered clothes patches. Now if the thought of sewing patches onto clothes has you rolling your eyes then fret not for these patches iron on. They patch holes and tears giving a whole new lease of life to well worn clothes. If you can’t wait to get them on your kids’ clothes don’t reach for the scissors simply use them to customise clothing for a unique look. I am really impressed with the picture selection as they have managed to incorporate trends whilst being childlike not twee. You can get them in two collections of ten plasters: blue tin (above) and pink tin (below) for £9.99 each from Little Sunflowers. I think these would make really great party bag fillers.
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