A couple of months back, I was sent a Pop’n’gro pack of nappies in a lovely matching zip up carry bag with a wet bag and even some soaking solution for them to try out with baby Nia. Longtime readers will know I have a flip flapping relationship with ‘real’ nappies. In theory, it’s a lovely idea but between mushrooming washing turning our home into Widow Twankies launderette and becoming frustrated when the washing routine falls down and the finneckyness of them, they quite frankly give me brain ache.
Pop’n’gro’s are based on the simple concept of being a onesize nappy that pops on like a disposable and grows with your child from birth to toddler. Made from very absorbent microfibre that’s covered with a soft fleece lining, fold them down for newborns and once they’re 10lbs, add in one or both of the two boosters (one microfibre, one fleece) as needed.
If you hadn’t noticed yet, using real nappies is a lifestyle shift and where it can all fall down is if you don’t understand the do’s and don’ts of using them. They need to be prepared by being washed (no softener) and thankfully Lollipop included a sheet of tips plus a magnet with more tips to go on your fridge.
However, what they don’t mention is that they need to be washed about ten times for them to get their absorbency up!
I should point out that I don’t think that this is just specific to their nappies – I think it’s the case for all of them, it’s just a crying shame that this isn’t explained more because I think that this contributes to why parents become frustrated and stop using them.
For a start, ten washes is a hell of a lot of use of my washing machine. Period. In an ideal world, you’d get them a couple of months before your child was born and slip them into the towel wash to build up the absorbency. But ten washes takes a while to get to when they’re already here and let’s just say that the first few times that we used them she was very, very wet. Two boosters is good but waaay too bulky.
Now don’t get me wrong – the concept is simple and I say this because I tried another nappy earlier this year and in my haste to shove it in the washing machine after it arrived, I could not for the life of me work out how to clip the booster back in as there were so many popper holes!
They feel lovely, they wash well, dry fairly quickly, even on the drying rail, and out of any real nappy I have ever been sent, hands down, they provided far more instructions. But I do feel it is time for real nappy companies to address the fact that you shouldn’t have to make phone calls and practically have to have nappy counselling if you truly want to encourage more parents to use them and not create so much frustration. Be up front with information. That said, Lollipop Lane advisors, or at least my one, are very good!
I now use Pop’n’gro’s regularly but not all day long every day and it is less stressful (especially with a toddler to contend with also) and has seen more sustained use of them rather than an initial surge and then shoving them in the back of the drawer. I don’t use them at night – nice in theory but we find she wakes up when she sleeps in them but they’re good when the little diva is romping about during the day and now that they’ve had quite a few washes, the absorbency is waaaaay better.
I personally don’t feel I can ‘rate’ a nappy as bearing in mind the amount of stuff you need to do to use real nappies successfully, I think it’s a very personal experience. They, like a lot of real nappies, are investment pieces at £69 for the pack of four in the carry bag with wet bag, although you should factor in the fact that they last from birth to toddler so you’ll certainly save more in the long run, especially if they’re all you use. Individually, they’re £14.95 each and available in five colours from Lollipop, lime and yellow are my favourites.
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