I’ve just spent the morning playing History Heroes with Alfie and my mum during which time we realised we probably didn’t know as much about the history of science as we thought we did! I spotted History Heroes at Bubble a few weeks ago and was immediately taken by it as I love an educational game (What can I say? I’m a geek!) It’s a simple concept – a set of 40 cards where each represents a character from history.We have the Scientists pack, but there are also Explorers, Children, World War One and Sport sets. There are six facts on each card – ranging from red (difficult) to green (easier), plus a joker fact (Richard Dawkins’ is ‘I have been in Dr Who and The Simpsons as myself’), their date of birth and flag of the country they come from, so lots of potential for learning.  Although Alfie, at nearly seven, was a little young to guess many of them, he really enjoyed reading out the facts to test us and he managed to work out Archimedes, Isaac Newton and Alan Turing (Bletchley Park is a favourite day trip). The cards are all beautifully illustrations and at £8.99 per pack would make a great gift. Alfie declared it, ‘Amazing, incredible and awesome!’ You can’t get a much better endorsement than that.
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