Right up there as one of my favourite coats of all time, Mini A Ture’s Wen pullover winter jackets are a seasonal classic that sells out fast. For sizes 2 and under the zip is at the back and for 3 and over it’s at the side. Wind and water proofed, plus lined and ribbed to keep away the most persistent breeze, they wash well and look fantastic on. The fit is really generous so you get a good run out of them and they survive rough and tumble too. From £71.50 in several colours Yellow Lolly and Nordic Kids.

Finger In The Nose Snowscout Jacket £104 Scandinavian Minimall
Have to say, I love this coat so much, I’d squeeze myself into it if I could. Reversible (switch it to loud and proud red), luxe, shiny, and stuffed with French duck feathers, it’s got the retro appeal of 80s puffers but is bang on contemporary. Available in sizes from 12 months to 7 years.
Boden’s bold duffles (£60) with their vibrant linings instantly cool up an outfit, plus I can attest that when your child gets lost in the pumpkin coloured one in John Lewis that they’re easily located… Also available in purple, camel and fuchsia. Also try Marks and Spencer who have purple and pink duffles. Gap’s herringbone duffle (£29.95) hits the right spot for a subtle duffle with a twist, plus both Zara and Boden have their classic staples back in, with Zara’s (£35) in sizes from 9 months also available in camel and navy, and Boden’s (£22 – £24) also available in grey in sizes from birth. Also try John Lewis, Matalan, and Lindex.

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