I’m always on the lookout for cool baby vests, alternatives to cutesy slogan-strewn offerings – just because you can’t see something doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be stylish. We featured Roddy & Ginger’s fab owl print bodysuits a while back and I’m also loving Crib’s bright orange zebra design and Gossypium’s organic Farm vest (currently on offer at £6). Imagine my delight when I discovered Frute Juce’s fab onesies over on Coriandr (a sort of micro UK Etsy full of handmade treasures). All machine embroidered in your choice of coloured thread on white cotton, there’s a spray paint can for wannabe Banksys, decks for mini superstar DJs and a cassette for the more old skool baby. At £10 each, plus £2.50 p&p, they’re a great investment (sorry!)
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