Happy 2016 World Book Day, everyone! By now you’ve probably packed the children off to school in their costumes (do upload photos of your creations to our Facebook page), so why not check out these fabulous new books for all ages.
Wee Gallery: Pets (Quarto, RRP £6.99). Lovely board book featuring Wee Gallery’s distinctive black and white illustrations and sliding puzzles to help your little one solve the riddles and find the pets.
Outfoxed by Claudia Boldt (Tate, RRP £9.99). The tale of Harold, a pacifist, vegetarian fox who dreams of becoming a detective from the creator of Melvin the Monkey.
Little People, Big Dreams: Coco Chanel by Isabel Sanchez Vergara (Frances Lincoln, RRP £9.99). Explore the (surprising) story of the fashion designer’s life, accompanied by striking illustrations by Ana Albero.
Cloth Lullaby by Amy Novesky (Abrams, RRP £11.99). Another life story, this time of artist Louise Bourgeois, reimagined for children, with artwork by Isabelle Arsenault.
Mango and Bambang: Tapir All at Sea by Polly Faber (Walker, RRP £8.99). We love the pairing of super-smart heroine Mango Allsorts and her pet tapir Bambang as they uncover all manner of adventures in New York.
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