Felt lover that I am, I became more than a little partial to these nappy caddy’s made from high quality wool felt. They fit 10 disposable or 8 cloth nappies plus they’ve got a separator for other bits and bobs. It also fits on the back of a chair. From around $39 at Wooli by Babies Breath on Etsy. Oh and they have a-ma-zing toy boxes also made from wool felt although they’re $175. via Kidshaus
More felt with these quirky looking amoeba plushies. Handstitched with appliqued features, they also have beanbag bases to help them stand on their own. £8 each at SeetheWoods on Folksy

I loved everything in this store (they have fab alphabet and counting prints), but I thought it would make a change instead to feature Modern Pop Designs rather cool Hannah No 43251 print of a lady robot and their cute but cool Z is for Zoo print. From $14.
Manchester based Nell Smith has lovingly handprinted her designs on organic cotton t-shirts, bibs, and coin purses. From £8.50 at Nell on Folksy.
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