Personally, I never go anywhere without my Envirosax reusable shopping bag in my handbag. It’s so much simpler than carting around a canvas tote as it rolls up so small. After all, you never know when you’re going to have to do a bit of emergency food (or shoe) purchasing and nothing beats the feeling of refusing a carrier bag at the till. Now little ones can get in on the act (and help with the supermarket run)Â with these cute kids’ versions.
There are five vibrant new designs on offer for 2010 – Paper Dolls, To The Moon, ABC, Carousel (top) – my favourite as it reminds me of Brighton beach – and Robot (above) – all £5.99 each. A brilliant stocking filler and, more importantly, a great way to educate your child about green issues and lay the foundations for a life of reusing and recycling.
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