I own a multi-purpose support pillow which can also be used as a nursing pillow. I wrote about it recently as I found it to be an absolute life saver during my pregnancy – it’s supporting my back right now as I type! I’m due to have my first baby any day now so I will get to try it out for nursing, but I have enough experience of holding babies to know that if you’re breastfeeding for up to an hour, your arms would break off without some sort of support! I paid £19.99 for mine at Mothercare and I have just found the Doomoo Buddy (pictured) for £39.99 (since this post was written the RRP is £29.99) and whilst it looks very funky (I am a sucker for funky and bright), for all intents and purposes, it looks like it’s the same as mine, but brighter. Not exactly a reason to shell out an extra £20… Trust me, handy as they are, you can tell that they cost a fraction (and I mean very small fraction) of the price to make. I have used mine every day for months now, so you do get good cost per use out of them 😉 But…with that said, quality of fabric and consistency could certainly make a difference to the price as the Mothercare version is pretty basic in terms of the cotton covering.
Doomoo Buddy available from Babyworld for £29.99 (on 27th February 2009, they were reduced to £19.97) or try the cheaper, but not so colourful version from Mothercare at £19.99.
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