You know that a kids iPhone app is pretty cool when you look around surreptitiously to see if anyone can see you playing it. Yes that would be me…
Anyway Paper Town Friends is a visual crafty delight. It’s a dressing up game done to wonderful collage effect.
The creation of graphic designer and illustrator Robin Ronsenthal who used to be the art director for Martha Stewart Kids magazine, this is a digital burst of wholesome cool!
Your child chooses between six friends to dress and then they pull up the clothing type from the right hand menu and then scroll intuitively through a selection, for example of tops, and then tap on their selection to dress their animal pal. As an aside the little Lacoste tops look super cute as do the Mary Jane shoes and Croc style shoes. They can also save pictures of their dressed up friends to your camera roll. The menu for saving and moving back and forth between characters isn’t as intuitive as it could be but in the way that toddlers do, Saria, 3, has found her own solution which is coming out of the app and going back in.
Check out Robin’s blog to see how she made the app.
Definitely one of my, I mean Saria’s, favourite apps! £1.19 on iTunes.
via Bloesem Kids
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