A few nursery industry peeps I know that were out in Cologne for the recent Kid + Jugend trade fair were supremely impressed with Mamas and Papas launch at the show – the Mylo travel system. I think Kat said it best when she said it looks like a Bugaboo Bee/Stokke Xplory hybrid, which is interesting as the Mylo is the result of three years of research where during that time these were the two pushchairs that really shook things up. I would add one more pushchair to the hybrid combo – the Concord Neo Carbon which is super sleek and made from carbon used by the aerospace industry.

I’m fascinated by the idea of it having a light touch response which is comparable with power steering in a car and it has a button that quickly folds it down. It’s made from high performance materials to give it the sleek look and lightweight feel, although I always reserve judgement on the weight as we know that pushchair manufacturers have different perceptions of ‘lightweight’…
A full travel system compatible with their Viaggo car seat, it can be used as a stationary seat or as a bassinet and has other clever features such as having the pram apron fasten with magnets. Mamas and Papas have ‘limited’ information on their site but you can register your interest. It’s also available in four other colours – raspberry ripple, dove grey, plum pudding, and sandcastle. How much? Around £1k all in. Is this set to be the next ‘must-have’ pushchair?
Ideal for: Design and style fiends, trendsetters, show offs, and Mamas and Papas addicts…
Lime jelly image credit Mamas and Papas. Black Mylo image credit Design Milk
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