I’ve been trying out an organic scar repair booster by Mambino Organics, who I’d already become a tad enamoured with after using their Oh Baby! Belly Butter. I’ve had two c-sections (one emergency and one last minute elective) so I’m keen to try out something that will minimise the scarring – If only I could rub it on my tummy and have it magically disappear without exercise, I’d be quids in…
Anyway, I digress…
C-Section Regenerative Scar Therapy is all about cell renewal and rebuilding the collagen and elastacin structure of your skin, which for any of you who have had a c-section, you’ll know your wound hurts from being tender and sore, you can barely fart, sneeze or cough for the first few weeks (not that I fart…), and it can actually take a good year to heal as your bits and pieces (ie layers of skin tissue) knit themselves together.
The woman behind Mambino Organics is Maki, a top Hollywood facialist that’s created a range of 100% natural mother and baby skincare products. Her organic formula contains ingredients such as rosehip oil which contains lots of vitamin C to encourage skin healing and repair, Polynesian Tamanu oil which is anti-inflammatory so it calms down your wound and helps restore it, Immortelle flower which is used in a lot of anti-ageing products because it stimulates cell renewal, and vitamin E for healing and soothing, plus lemon balm for help with discolouration.
I’m applying it every day now although I didn’t in the first few weeks as I found it to be a little stingy when I did so, and even though it’s organic, after not one, but two infections the first time round, I was taking no chances. It’s in a little squirt bottle and it rubs in smoothly and doesn’t leave behind any residue, which is in stark contrast to a serum formula which can be veeery sticky to apply. One thing I will say is that first time round, my scar was raised for several months but it’s actually near flat at just over 10 weeks and it’s not tender to touch. It may be coincidental but I’m gonna keep rubbing it in!
At £22.10 this is a pricier option and part of this stems from using methods of production that large companies steer clear of due to the costs, as she processes in small batches at low temperatures, plus it contains no chemicals. Available from Bebe Cannelle.
If you’d like something to help your tummy ‘disappear’, check out Lucy’s recent post on the Belly Bandit.
If you’re looking for a credit crunch alternative and can put aside the organic and natural element, try Palmers Cocoa Butter Formula Scar Serum available from many pharmacies or online at Chemist Direct for £8.45 although be warned, it is a thicker, stickier substance to rub in.
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