Here are a few of the things brightening my bookmarks lately.
1. Loving these Crumpled City Junior maps. You can buy one for Amsterdam, Berlin, London, New York and Paris. €10 (+ €6 postage to Europe) from Palomar. Spotted via Dicky Bird.
2. Neons are everywhere this season (an aside: soooo tempted to break out the neon tube socks). These fabulous ornamental geometric neon art blocks would make a wonderful accent piece for a mantel piece or shelf. £35.50 from Sketch Inc.
3. Jane Foster is a perpetual source of inspiration and temptation. Her screen printed tulip print messenger bag is a Spring must have. £30.
4. I loved the origami butterfly garland in this room. If you don’t fancy folding them yourself you can buy your own from Jikits on Etsy.
5. Thanks to A Pretty Cool Life I found that The Black Apple had made available a tutorial for her gorgeous dolls through Martha Stewart. Definitely on the make list!
Happy weekend everyone and wishing you all a love and laughter filled Mother’s Day x
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