I have been tirelessly browsing the sale to find the hottest online shopping destinations for you. As always we look at everything on sale and make sure the discounts stand up to scrutiny! Here are our first five picks:
Nordic Kids end of year sale is always one to get the blood pumping with sof up to 60% (and plenty in those higher brackets). Molo, atvig, BANGBANG Copenhagen, Mini-a-ture, Popupshop, Bifrost, Moon Kids, Ej Sikke Lej, Lille Barn, Freoli, Urban Elk, Phister & Philina, Ida T, Smafolk, Plastisock, Li and Lo, Mini Rodini, FUB and many more. It has both winter and summer clothes. Stocks and sizes are limited and this is one sale which sells fast!
Little Fashion Gallery have up to 50% off their uber chic collection. Brands such as: Agnes B, Album di Famiglia, Bobo Choses, Chloe, Finger in The Nose, Hucklebones, La Petite Luce, Little Marc Jacobs, Maan, Stella McCartney Kids and Ouf NYC to name a few. I can see more at 30 – 40% off and even the odd item at 70%.
Stella McCartney Kids has a straight 50% off everything in their sale. Clothing prices from £10 – £80-ish with accessories from £6.50. I’m finding lots of simple colour inspiration here.
Hucklebones are also making things simple with 50% off their line of classic girls’ wear in their exclusive prints and elegant cuts.
Little Sunflowers advertising up to 70% off and an extra 10% off when you spend £50 or more (see the newsletter for details and code). With nearly 1,000 items in the sale it looks promising. The first few pages have Smafolk, Bob and Blossom and Toby Tiger at around 15 – 20% off. More promising is Plastisock with 40% off and Three Little Trees at 70%. Katvig and Molo (including basics) have around 30 – 35% off. Definitely needs the extra 10% off code to liven it up!
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