If you’ve spent one or more evenings this week frantically scrabbling around for a costume for your child then you’ll be all too familiar with World Book Day, the annual celebration of all things literary for children. One aim of the day is to encourage more parents to read with their children, so we thought we’d share our little ones’ current favourite stories.
Saria (the bambino, nearly 6) is a Roald Dahl fan and chose Revolting Rhymes, with her absolute favourite being Little Red Riding Hood (who wouldn’t have a soft spot for that feisty young lady with a pistol in her knickers?).
Nia (nearly 4) has a number of favourites including Where On Earth is the Moon? by Ruth Martin and Olivier Light (Templar) and, modern classic, Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers (HarperCollins) – ah, who doesn’t love the boy and his penguin? She’s also a tad obsessed with the Meg and Mog collection of books by Helen Nicoll and Jan Pienkowski.
Alfie (nearly 4) is another Roald Dahl fan and had a job to narrow it down to one. Danny, Charlie and Fantastic Mr (as he calls them) are all contenders, but the newest addition to our Dahl library, the fun tale of a crafty croc, The Enormous Crocodile (Puffin) won.
Kitty (8 months) couldn’t tell me her favourite, but going by the amount of clapping I’m going to plump for I Like Toys by Lorena Simonovich (Templar), a lovely touch and feel book from the creator of PetitCollage.
Lola (3) picked A Bit Lost by Chris Haughton (Walker), one of our long-time BG favourites with a cute woodland story and fab illustrations. She also loves being read A Children’s Treasury of MIlligan (Virgin Books) – can’t blame her for enjoying a bit of Spike silliness.
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