As a self-confessed word nerd and bookworm, I’m delighted that Alfie seems to love books (even if sometimes it is just to chew on them). We look at about four or five a day together and current favourites are Rod Campbell’s lift-the-flap lovely Dear Zoo, Peggy Rathman’s retro Good Night Gorilla and the pop-up delight that is David A Carter’s One Red Dot.
We recently became the proud owners of a Tidy Box (thanks Mum!), so Alfie can help himself to (non-precious) books. It’s much bigger than you’d imagine, so it was lucky that he was given so many books as presents. There were a few traditional tomes in the mix – Paddington Bear and a 60th anniversary edition of Thomas the Tank Engine – plus a couple of modern classics – Julia ‘Gruffalo’ Donaldson’s Tabby McTat and Lucy ‘Maisy’ Cousins’ Hooray for Fish.
His most beautiful book present was definitely Tao Nyeu’s Wonder Bear. It has no words so you make up your own story – great for little ones who are not yet reciting books back to you and berating you for missing pages. As fans of all things Petit Collage, it was great to receive both I Like Bugs and I Like Fruit – gorgeous touchy-feely board books by the super-talented Lorena Siminovich. In a similar arty vein is DwellStudio’s Eat, a deliciously glossy look at popular toddler foods (a pretzel is the only incongruous inclusion).
Finally, two great gifts for literary little ones: Timmy the Tug – a recently discovered children’s poem by Ted Hughes, accompanied by enchanting illustrations by Jim Downer – and Up in the Tree by one of my favourite authors Margaret Atwood – the tale of two children who make a home in a tree. Both are wonderful and an asset to any child’s library.
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