A few weeks back I had a swoon session over the new store Mini Giants, which is brought to you by the same peeps behind Nordic Kids.
This online boutique is a hotspot of luxury clothing and accessories, with stunning soft toys and cushions by Dutch designers Pakhuis Oost like the floral koala, £33.99, delightful dream catchers by Nest Pretty Things, £28.99, one of my favourite bobble hats by Finnish label Snadi, £14.99, and the unbelievably cool pair of Hansel boots with their reclaimed leather soles by Mia Joie, £40.99 .
Other names include quirky soft toys by Deglingos, pettiskirts by Kaiya Eve (as featured over on Style Bambino), cool cushions featuring loveable animals by Salvor Fauna, bedding and wall art by Amenity Home, as well as Little Red Stuga, Acne + Olivia, Funky Fresh, Mar Mar Copenhagen and more – plenty of new names to feast your eyes over!
They’re officially launching now and to celebrate, BG has been chosen to offer their launch discount of 20% – woohoo! Enter the code BG1 until 1st December 2009 – enjoy!
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