Last week in my local Tesco, I could only follow obediently as my shopping trolley took a right hand turn into the toy aisle. Expecting the usual selection of plastic fantastics stacked to the ceiling, I was surprised to discover that Tesco has a line in low-price wooden toys. (After a nanosecond of further thought, I realised how misplaced my surprise was. What don’t Tesco have on their shelves?).
The Wooden Activity Cube found its way into my trolley and at under a tenner, it’s a bit of a bargain. On one side is a shape sorter; on another, some rattly bits that whir round; on another, more wooden fun to be had; and on top, wooden beads threaded on to colourful wires. No irritating jingles. No countless intricate pieces to tidy away at the end of the day. Oh, and it has made my nine-month old very happy.
I just checked the website to see if it’s from a sustainable wood source. It doesn’t say, so I can only assume it isn’t. That aside, this is a good budget buy. £9.77 from Tesco Direct.
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