Spring has definitely sprung – it’s glorious out there! So I thought it was time for us to start showcasing some spring crafts and this one is a gem. Kids will love it as they can wear their birds and it’s a quick win! Parents will love it because you don’t need too many supplies, and if you don’t have, you can just adapt and use what you do have!
All you need…
- 1 toilet paper tube – or kitchen roll cut in to three
- Coloured paper – whatever you have to hand
- Goggly eyes – or you could draw these on
- Feathers
- Pipe cleaner
- Hole punch
- Glue
To start, make two holes towards the bottom of the tube, this is wear the pipecleaner will go.
Make two holes as close to the middle as you can – this is for the feathers.
Then decorate your birds. We used coloured two types of coloured paper we cut to size and then used pritstick to fix in to place.
After they’re decorated. Add your eyes and beak.
Next, stick a feather in each of the top holes and pull it through a little. It’s good idea to tape or glue these in place on the inside. I used hotglue.
Finally, thread your pipe-cleaner through the holes at the bottom. It can then be used as a bracelet.
Finn loved this craft, he’s not the most patient of people, so getting a playable result ten minutes after we started making was a total win for him. As I type this, he has a bird on each hand going “helloooo”, “hello”.
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