If you’re heading off to sunnier climes for half term, you may want to consider visiting Toy Passport‘s website. Alfie and Kitty are big soft toy fans – we generally have at least two with us whenever we go out. So, needless to say, they were totally won over by the idea of Toy Passport. When we went on hols at the end of August, Wub Wub (Kitty’s Ikea labrador) and Larry Lizard (Alfie’s Jellycat lizard) accompanied us. As did their passports. It’s a simple process (a LOT easier than the human passport shenanigans): take a photo of your favourite toy, upload it to the website, fill in the toy’s details, choose a cover colour, pay £8 (adding £1 if you want it gift boxed) and sit back and wait for your passport to arrive. Our weren’t only a hit with the children, but the customs staff in Gatwick and Palma were entertained too, one even scrutinising Wub Wub against his photo. Probably good to gauge the mood/character of the staff before you let the kids start brandishing them though. Ace gift for a child about to go on a big trip they might feel nervous about.
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