I am not 100% sure which excites me most about the book This is Sadie by Sara O’Leary (Tundra, RRP £12.99) – the book or the accompanying activity pack! Sadie is a little girl with a big imagination. She has been a girl who lived under the sea and a boy raised by wolves. She has had adventures in wonderland and visited the world of fairytales. She whispers to the dresses in her closet and talks to birds in the treetops. It’s an ode to children everywhere beautifully illustrated by Julie Morstad.
You can download the activity pack from Tundra for free. It’s lovely. It has a template to make the delightful fox mask featured on the front cover of the book, the alphabet and some beautifully illustrated flags to make bunting, templates for paper doll decorations and instructions for tissue paper flowers. Just beautiful.
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