Here’s one for our very own Kat, or indeed any of you second or third time mamas-to-be out there, who have to explain a new arrival to a small person. Published by Walker Books, There’s Going to be a Baby is a gentle introduction to the idea of a sibling and brings together two big hitters in the children’s literature world – John Burningham and Helen Oxenbury (who also illustrated We’re Going on a Bear Hunt). I’m a long-time fan of Burningham’s books – childhood favourite Borka: The Adventure of a Goose with No Feathers still never fails to bring a tear to my eye and Avocado Baby is always popular with little ones, as its about a baby outwitting grown-ups. Oxenbury, meanwhile, is one of our best-loved illustrators and I adore the retro 30s look of this book. The story focuses around all the questions a brother or sister might have about a baby (When will it get here? What will it do?) with the little boy’s imagination running riot about potential careers for his baby brother or sister. A classic for any bookshelf and a thoughtful gift for expectant mamas.
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