There’s no prizes for guessing that the latest incarnation of the Quest pushchair from Maclaren is inspired by The Beatles ‘Yellow Submarine’ classic. Even with colder days ahead, the pushchair is a burst of signature sunshine yellow and has an embroidered liner which is also reversible to a very Austin Powers-esque psychedelic print. The hood is denim and the raincover is printed with bubbles and there are additional accessories available like a footmuff. Like all Maclaren Quest pushchairs, it’s suitable from 3 months, has a four position seat and has the usual bells and whistles like the Sovereign Lifetime Guarantee. Available from September 1st, it’ll be on display at the Beatles Story Museum in Liverpool and sold at various online outlets as well as stores like Harrods. Like all of their design led pieces from the Objects of Design collection, they do come at a premium and I think the RRP is around £220.
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