When changing bags got ultra stylish it’s because with brands like Storksak , they became indistinguishable from covetable handbags. Favoured by the likes of Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt (he used and Jessica Alba, Liv Tyler, and Gwyneth Paltrow, from the outside these bags ooze style but there is still plenty of practicality packed within such as insulated pockets, detachable inner bags, changing mat, and plenty of practical pockets for ensuring everything is organised.
The ‘Kate’ bag (top), £98, has a gorgeous directional retro dot print in striking red tones mixed with tan detail. Their highly popular ‘Elizabeth’ (left) and ‘Emily’ (above) bags, £180, have had new shots of delicious colour in red toughened leather and very deep purple soft leather. Look out for them in February 2010. For current season, don’t forget that we have a 10% discount for Cecily Plum who stock their latest.
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