You know we love our alphabets here at BG and Etsy is always a brilliant source of original artwork for children’s rooms. Here’s our round-up of the latest and greatest ABCs on the home of all things handmade.

First up is TskTsk’s ABCme Alphaposter, a signed, limited-edition giclee print in muted grey, blue, green and black. I love the double-height giraffe and the way some of the animals are bigger than their squares. $29, plus $7 postage all the way from Australia.

More traditional, but equally fab, is Pearlmarmalade’s Lil’ Learners Alphabet Print, $12 ($4.50 p&p). In unisex green and purple (or chartreuse and plum as they call it) it features alphabet classics the cat and the train, but some letters may be a little Americanised for UK tastes – the Abraham Lincoln profile and ball of yarn might take a little explaining.
If you’ve got a neutral nursery, look no further than Mere Designs’ Modern Animal Alphabet in luscious chocolate brown. A bargain at just $10 ($5 shipping), colours can also be customised to match your scheme.

Individual alphabet cards are a great way of making a frieze to go around your child’s room. I adore Paper Fingers’ alternative ABC (think J is for Jazz, L is for Library, U is for Urban) which pairs sleek typography with graphic patterns. Ready made letters are $20 ($7 p&p), but for an extra $15 you can commission a custom print with objects and colours of your choosing.
From the super-contemporary to the unashamedly nostalgic. Burlesque fans will appreciate YeeHaw’s Big Top Circus Letters. At $50, the A6 cards don’t come cheap, but are printed on 100% recycled paper, using historic salvaged equipment and very good-looking, in an understated ‘we’re too cool for primary colours’ way.

Finally, I’ve long been a fan of JennSki’s retro prints, but her animal alphabet cards are beyond sublime – my favourites are the Penguin and Turtle. Why not spell out your child’s name in a multi-aperture frame for a unique piece of art? Each card costs $14 with shipping at $3.70 for the first and $0.50 for each subsequent item.
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