As a scarily nearly mum-to-be, sleep (and Montezuma’s Orangutang chocolate) are paramount on my list of priorities. But the burgeoning bump seems to disagree and many nights have been spent tossing and turning in search of a comfortable position. Having tried several traditional maternity pillows to no avail I decided to take my quest off the high street and on to Google. And there we first met, my beloved Formfix cushion [http://www.formfix.be] and I.
Concept: Developed in Belgium, this clever horseshoe-shaped pillow is elasticated in the middle so it can lie straight to support your entire body. It’s stuffed with tiny air-filled balls which mean it moulds to any body shape – even a super-bumpy pregnant one.
Uses: After baby arrives I intend to use it when breastfeeding, so I chose a bright red cover to match the nursery decor, but there are twelve shades available, from understated anthracite and chocolate to in-your-face orange and lime. All soft cotton towelling and removable for easy washing. It’ll also be great as a support for the little one and once he’s a bit older, I’ll buy a SitFix cover which cleverly transforms it into a mini beanbag/pouf.

Any negatives: Not one I can think of, but I’m biased. I concede it is quite expensive, but what price sleep? To compare, the best selling Dream Genii support and feeding pillow used by editor Natalie is £44.
Where can I buy one? I couldn’t find any UK stockists, so I got mine from fabulous Dutch webstore The Little Zebra for €59.95 (plus €11 p&p to the UK) which ships internationally. They also stock spare covers in case you decide to change your colourscheme, and the ingenious Sitfix for €19 each.
Overall: I can honestly say it’s changed my pregnant life, enabling me to finally get a decent night’s rest, giving me more energy and making me less grumpy – no mean feat. I won’t even go away for the weekend without it – the source of some annoyance to my husband.
Verdict: 5/5
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