I’ve absolutely loved having a play on this cute little app and I’m sure Alfie is going to love it when he gets to try it out (he’s on holiday at my mum and dad’s at the moment). The premise is that you use old-fashioned building blocks to create a house structure which is then (as if by magic) transformed into a fully furnished home. Each of the ten rooms contains myriad activities, so you can turn on taps, open drawers, blend fruit and wash clothes in the kitchen, star gaze in the attic, tidy the toys in the playroom and so on. My favourite features were the musical nursery rhyme books in the library and the kaleidoscopic nightlight in the bedroom and I know Alfie will adore the secret underground world below the garden and the bubbles in the bathroom. The simple vibrant palette and blank-faced characters are instantly appealing to small people and it has a soothing soundtrack. Definitely worth shelling out for – Playhaus is £1.49 (a special launch price) from the App Store.
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