Earlier this week I finally got around to making play dough for the kids after being inspired by NurtureStore, a blog written by childminder Cathy James full of simple, great ideas for play and early learning. Relatively easy to make, her recipe makes for far more attractive and sweet smelling play dough in warm icecream shades.
The recipe uses a measuring jug instead of scales: 750 ml of water, 375 ml of salt, 750 ml flour, 45 ml sunflower oil, 30ml of cream of tartar and 10ml of vanilla essence.
Warm the water in a large pan. Add in the rest of the ingredients and stir over a low heat using a whisk initially to get rid of lumps and then a wooden spoon when the dough comes together.
Take the pan off the heat and put the dough into a large bowl, or if like me you’re doing a few colours, split it into a few bowls. Add a few drops of food colouring to your dough and knead it until the colour is mixed through evenly. Store in an airtight container and it should last for a couple of months.
It smells pleasant, looks so good you almost don’t want the kids to mash it up, and it doesn’t take very long – I made four colours in about 30 minutes.
Thanks to Cathy for letting me share her recipe – check out her original post which includes ideas for using it in play.
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