Two kids in two years has seen a dramatic shift in bib offerings with me loving Bipi and Skibz bandana style bibs and Smafolk’s towelling bibs (I stocked up in a sale ages ago not knowing I was pregnant!). Following a ‘tweet’ by @KirstieMAllsopp (of Location, Location, Location), I have come across these over the head bibs designed by Elizabeth hunt.
Made from 100% cotton terry towelling, there are no ties or fastenings so you can whip them on in a hurry with one hand and cover their neck and shoulders, whilst the neck ruffles soak up the drool. The elasticated neck make this a bib made to last as it will stretch to accommodate a toddlers head. Available in quite a few colours (I hope she goes brighter and mixes in some eclectic trims – hint hint) with a contrasting bias binding, they’re £6 each including postage at Lizzie Hunt.
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