Little Baby Company (LBC) are as always poised with their discerning fingers on the style pulse and I have been eyeing up their new range of mirrors from Australian brand Lightly(TM).
The creation of Cindy-Lee Davies who is well known for her lace and doily inspired patterns on a range of homewares and decorative pieces, her mirrors challenge the boundaries of acrylic and what results is a range of whimsical pieces that capture the child that lies within.
The ‘To Climb’ mirror featured is part of her I-Spy range of children’s mirrors that are silhouettes of children at play. They can be applied to most wall surfaces and are a decent size at 35 cm W X 90cm H. I imagine if this was in our house, the bambino would spend a lot of time touching it and kissing it licking it, much like she does with our mirror…
It’s £64 and LBC also have other Lightly mirrors ranging from £16 – £64 in a variety of styles including a cloud and a fly, as well as a doily styled mirror.
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