Yesterday, the boyf, the bambino and I braved the cold and headed over to Dulwich to check out some of the finest of modern design for kids. In stark contrast to Bubble which is trade only, there were ‘little people’ all over the place with frazzled, distracted parents like us following close behind them. The bambino went into One Woman Whirlwind mode, treating the place like a giant playroom and charming exhibitors…and winding us up…
What’s fantastic about Kids.modern is it’s heavily British and in a world where we can get dazzled by Scandinavian and US products, this made the show so exciting. It’s also far more balanced in terms of offerings so instead of being assaulted by waaay too much clothing, it was a serious droolfest of products. Here are a few of my highlights and look out for follow up posts:
Punch n Cuddle
Think beanbag come cuddly toy come punchbag – we love them! Made from wood and tactile fabrics in a quirky, one-eyed design, it invites physical and emotional expression and is fantastic fun for kids and overgrown kids like mums and dads. I’ll update when they’re available to buy. Visit Punch n Cuddle
Bold and Noble
I first saw these a few weeks back when I got a sneak preview of Little Baby Company’s new collection and we were seriously wowed when we saw the collection of very affordable prints and height charts. They’re all hand printed onto a 100% recycled card and feature very stark cool illustrations against a variety of bold or white backgrounds. Visit Bold & Noble

Lollipop Design
Yummy birth annoucement, party invitations, canvas prints, and cotton shoppers. The bulk of the range is eco friendly on recycled materials. Visit the Lollipop Design Shop

We’ve been big fans of this range of high end, beautifully crafted furniture from Spain since last summer, and it was great to get up close and personal with the range, even though it surpasses my budget. Available from Ninetonine.