If you’re a regular reader you’ll already be familiar with the work of illustrator Jennie Maizels – we’ve featured many of her books and her fab Sketchbook Club art tutorials. If not, I highly recommend following her on Instagram for beautiful drawings, house inspo and general rainbow joyfulness. The reason I’m posting about her today is because she’s just launched seven Colour Collection signed prints that would look amazing in a child’s room (or, honestly, anywhere in the house).
Each print is themed around a colour with a collection of objects, from animals and plants to the more quirky scissors, tape measure and tattoos, drawn and painted in shades of that colour. Prints are A4 (with an A3 mount) and cost £25 or you can buy all seven for £125, effectively giving you two prints for free, available in Jennie’s Rainbow Shop. Which would you choose?
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