Natalie writes…
Kat and I saw these at Bubble and they truly are blingtastic.
I wrote about Jordan’s encrusted dummy last year which is still heavily searched for as well as the rather freaky Billy Bob ones, and I think that these new heavy weight, ‘Bimping Ain’t Easy’ (yes I did mean to say Bimping) dummies from eclectic Swedish brand, Elodie Details are definitely about to be the Next Hot Dummy.
This is not just a dummy; this is a piece of jewellery that will actually be used by miniature style fiends. As a parent of a baby who got enough jewellery to put BA Baracus to shame for her christening, with most of it unworn or us having to trail her like a security detail, I can certainly see why Elodie Details cottoned on to the idea of taking what can often be a baby’s most treasured possession and blinging it up for a serious style statement.
Unlike some other dummies that have attempted the bling factor, Elodie Details Gold and Silver Editions comply with European safety standard EN-1400, so there is no need to fear for your child’s safety!
They will be on sale from the end of July. The RRP is £24.99 and I believe they will be on sale at Nordic Kids. If the bambino was a sucker, she’d definitely have one of these!
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