Summer is almost upon us (fingers crossed) and the boyf is making lots of noises about spending lots of time out there pottering about and planting things, which offers the perfect opportunity for the bambino to develop a love of gardening. A quick scoot around the virtual high street reveals that there’s plenty of gardening kit
Wheelbarrow wise, Vilac (middle) £19.99 Tup Tup Toys, and Brio’s Percy the Park Keeper (right), £24.99 from Heybaby, are offering up some sleek numbers for your toddler to wheel their plants, tools, and toys about. GLTC (Great Little Trading Co) also have a yummy blue and green offering for £25. At Burford, they have a slightly more wallet friendly metal option for £15.95 (pictured left).
French BG favourite Vilac also do the Garden Tools Set on the left, £12 Tup Tup Toys, although the recommended age is 4+. At Burford they have the Plantolino Children’s Gardening Set which is dirt and moisture resistant, and scares of poking twigs. Handily the velcro neck fastening will open by itself if it ever gets caught in something and the tools have no pointy bits. £18.

For those on a budget, there’s a 3 piece garden set with wooden handles (left) and a nylon bag for £6.50 at Fabstuff. Whilst you’re there, snap up their hot bargain buy, the Ant Sit Pad which is perfect for resting their little bums on or kneeling on when they’re working away in the garden. Wipe clean, portable, and handy for when you go to playgroups etc, at £1.95, we’re all over this! At The Urban Garden they have a similar kit (pictured right) to the one from Fabstuff but brighter with a watering can for £8.99.

There are so many cool buys out there, your child may need their own shed! Try Garden Gear for gloves, aprons, and individual garden tools, Heybaby sell Brio’s Percy the Park Keeper range (includes the wheelbarrow above) which starts from £2.49 for the hand rake pictured. Burford also sell Brio plus the Groovy Gardener’s range. Even though they say they’re for the ‘seaside’, I love the vintage style tin buckets (middle) from Dotcomgiftshop which are £5.95 each. Able Gardener sells bird feeders for your tot to decorate from around £6.95.

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