I am at my wits end (again) as the girls have amassed an unbelievable amount of clothes in the space of three years. I’m going to be writing some posts about decluttering the madness that is all the outgrown clothing and I’m keen to find out from BG readers how you’ve organised and dispersed of your stuff.
In an ideal world, I’d like to sell some, give some to charity, and some will no doubt go to my little sister. I should point out, before I took the picture, I’d already sorted and given some stuff to my sister, sent some to the charity shop, and sold some on eBay….
I can’t take anymore and the spare room come office come playroom come dumping ground, needs to be cleared out for decorating. Help!!!!! I’d seriously welcome your tips on organising, selling, and whatever else you do do with your clothes!
Ssssshhhh…Somewhere in that pile of stuff is the camera, hence the iPhone photo… If you’re decluttering stuff like toys, check out my recent post on the decluttering toys project.
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