A couple of weeks ago I met two sisters Claire and Lucy at a Christmas lunch for mums who blog. Both are journalists, with Claire’s role until this past summer writing about food and health for The Times and Lucy as a freelance journalist writing about food, parenting, and social trends. Together they both write ‘Crumbs’, a site dedicated to inspiring, mostly quick to prepare meals that try to avoid those lengthy ingredient lists that can give you brainache.

What’s particularly enjoyable is the way they weave the fabric of their lives into their recipes and they’re both genuinely unpretentious, so their inspiration is born from being time poor, bare cupboards, and wanting to have a good ‘ole time where they can enjoy food without getting stressed about it.
If you flail around for inspiration about food to cook for the kids, meals that can stretch across two mealtimes, or how to cobble something together for just you, the worn out parents that looks like you spent more time on it than you did, Crumbs is a funny, inspiring read. There are 5, 10, and 20 mins to prepare or prepare and cook recipes, plus there’s a lifesaver section for saving your sanity with 90 second stir fry’s and slack mummy soup amongst the fare. If you move fast, you could even rustle up Aunty Joy’s Christmas Cake, which is ready in 3 days and lasts for at least a week and possibly up to 3 weeks – 10 minutes prep, two hours in the oven. Loving it.
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