Easter has crept up on me a bit this year as it seems too early – we’ve only just had half term! Anyway, here are a few crafty ideas for you and your little ones to do together. Ideal for Miffy, Peter Rabbit and Belle & Boo fanatics.
Bandit bunny mask, Mermag. Because sometimes bunny makes can be a bit cutesy – this is perfect for budding superrabbits, too.
Mini bunny cake stand, Stephanie White. Love this idea. Easily transferrable to other animals and a rainbow of colours.
Origami bunny, Red Ted Art. This is all about the paper you use – Tiger usually have a good selection or try Muji for rainbow brights.
Printable iron-on bunny bag, Oh Happy Day. If you don’t have the time or inclination to do the iron on bit you could feasibly trace the design and go over with marker pen. Do remember a neon pom pom tail though!
Paper pom pom bunnies, Martha Stewart. Good old grande dame of crafting Martha brings a seasonal twist to the ubiquitous paper pom pom.
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