I initially felt a bit suspicious when I saw the price of this cradle because I thought it was a weaved basket on a rocking stand for £201.75, albeit a very nice, well made, quality one…
But this is actually two products in one. Ooh a multitasker! It starts off as a crib and then when your bambino grows out of it, you attach the saddle to the rocking frame (yes I did say ‘saddle’) and it becomes a very modern rocking horse. The price hasn’t changed, but suddenly I view this cradle with different eyes and I like what I see!
Designed by Berlin designers initiative e27, the rocking frame is made from stainless steel and the weaved cradle and saddle attach with leather straps.
Ideal for: stylish, designer parents that aren’t worried about ‘budgets’ during maternity leave…
This is no longer available from the original store featured so you’ll need to go to the e27 site for more info.
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